zaterdag 28 februari 2009

De Vortex sites van Glastonbury

Binnen het stadsgebied bevinden zich vier krachtige energie sites. Elke site activeert een van de bovenste chakra's. Dat op zichzelf is een bijzonder interessant fenomeen. De aardstromen in de Glastonbury sites zijn allemaal "elektrische" vortexen wat betekent dat de stroming naar buiten gericht is. Deze vier vortexsites werken synergetisch om de vier bovenste chakra's in evenwicht te brengen en resoneren eendrachtig samen als het hartcentrum van de Wereld. Zij resoneren als volgt:

" 7e Chakra - Kruin : de Tor (de Toren van aartsengel Michaël)
" 6e Chakra - Derde Oog : De Chalice Bron (Kings Court)
" 5e Chakra - Keel : Wearyall Hill (Heilige Meidoorn Vortex)
" 4e Chakra - Hart : Abdij Ruïnes (Lady Chapel)

Drie van de bovengenoemde vortexen, de Tor, Chalice Well en Lady Chapel, worden gecreëerd door het draaiende effect van de Michaël en Mary leylijnen die elkaar kruisen. Deze drie sites bevatten ook een groot aantal andere energiebronnen, maar die even zo heilige energieën zijn niet tellurisch (van de aarde) van aard. De vortex bij Wearyall Hill doet zich alleen voor op de Michaël lijn. (De Mary lijn is hier niet aanwezig). Precies bij de Heilige Meidoorn wordt een energetische node (knooppunt) aangetroffen met een krachtige, omhoog draaiende aardstroomvortex. De vortex heeft een diameter van ongeveer 2½ meter.

Naast de voornaamste krachtplekken in Glastonbury worden talrijke andere energiecentra aangetroffen. De plekken in Glastonbury die ik voel resoneren met de eerste drie chakras, zijn:

" 3e Chakra - Zonnevlecht : "Egg Stone" (noordwest kant van de Torhelling)
" 2e Chakra - Creatieve Centrum : Chalice Spring Wellhead (Chalicewell Gardens)
" 1e Chakra - Perineum : White Springs Wellhead (Westkant van Chilkwell Street)

Samen resoneren de Glastonbury energieën als een hartcentrum, en vibreren bijgevolg met de vierde chakra.

vrijdag 27 februari 2009

The Separation of the Worlds

With thanks to my beautiful friend Amandha


In times gone by, when we were young and naïve, we may have imagined
that the ascension process would be incredibly joyous, full of ease,
and lift us up to a higher dimension where we would float on a cloud
in Heaven, maybe eating bon bons all day, or perhaps suddenly be
filled with light while our challenges disappeared in one fell swoop.
We would reach the Promised Land where love would abound and we would
never again have an unpleasant experience. Now we know better.

Although certainly in many ways things get better and better, and if
we were to look back we would see a very different version of
ourselves, the ascension process still presents itself in ways we may
have never imagined. As we begin to vibrate higher and higher, and
reach higher planes of existence, so much changes for us, and we are
always met with very new challenges in order to match and align with
the higher vibrations we now find ourselves surrounded with.

This is a grueling and challenging process, but bit by bit, we come
to realize that we are always right where we need to be and
experiencing just what we intended to experience at exactly the right
time. And we become much stronger as well the more light we carry.
The Promised Land is indeed on a near horizon, but getting there has
presented itself in many strange, miraculous, and unexpected ways.
And paradoxically, the closer we are to arriving, the more we realize
that we indeed no longer have the same desires, and service to
humanity with disregard to our own personal desires can begin to
overshadow all else as our ego selves diminish ever so slowly.

As we find ourselves in a very new space, on this latest new rung of
the ascension ladder, new and unsettling feelings can arrive as well.

The other day, my daughter jokingly confessed to me that perhaps I
had become "bi-polar," as I had been exhibiting some behaviors for
several months that she had never seen in me before. She claimed
(smile) that I was blissfully happy at one moment and quite grumpy at
another. "Who, ME?" I had responded in great astonishment. The
usually happy, joyful, and pleasant ME? She must be delirious or
perhaps grumpy herself and simply projecting, after all, I knew I was
just about perfect just about all the time…she must have been talking
about someone else! (smile again) "No, I'm serious Mom," she

So what was going on? Was this yet another strange and unprecedented
ascension symptom? Extreme mood swings from one moment to another
with great extremes in experiencing the world around us? Yup, yup,
and yup again.

After we experienced the great disconnect from the old reality
(roughly around October of 2008, but really beginning to manifest
itself in July and onward), we were then set free and slowly began
the process that this monumental experience created. Losing the sense
of our old selves, feeling lost without a rudder, confused, or even
useless as our old roles were now over, we also began to slowly re-
connect to something very new and different…and magical indeed.

This great separation from one reality to another was quite distinct,
dramatic, and very complete. We had succeeded in bringing up the
vibration of the old world and now it was time to depart to a new
shore where things were magical, peaceful, blissful, loving, and
where all our needs were miraculously met. But we are still in the
process of adjusting, as this has been a substantial vibrational leap.

The chasm between the old world and the new reality is now quite
large and also quite distinct. In this way, there is a huge polarity
present, and thus, while we still continue to straddle one reality
with another, we may indeed feel bi-polar.

As we progress in our spiritual evolutionary journey, we ever so
slowly lose tolerance for lower vibrating energies. At first we may
become irritated by them, then we may guiltily wish we did not have
to be around them, and eventually we come to a point where we
say, "Get me out of here!" Our intolerance then becomes total, and
the loving beings that we may feel we should be, seem to have
strangely been replaced by an imposter within us that feels repulsed
by the lower vibrating energies.

"What happened to my spiritual self?" we may wonder. "Aren't I
supposed to be loving and kind to all others? Doesn't vibrating
higher mean that I am now a perfectly loving and understanding
person, here to make others feel better when they are around me?"

With this extreme chasm now present from one reality (or dimension)
to another, our reactions then, are extreme as well. The gap is now
quite large. When we are in the lower dimensions, or lower and denser
vibrations, we can feel absolutely horrible. Very horrible. This can
manifest as great anger, pain, frustration, tension, and a real
grumpy attitude. And then quite suddenly, we can encounter something
that vibrates higher and we can immediately feel happy, right,
blissful, and in a naturally good space.

From one extreme to another, we may begin to wonder what in the world
is going on within us. And with a near zero tolerance for anything
that vibrates lower, we may find that we do not like ourselves much
as our reactions to these vibrations are creating unpleasant feelings
within us. If you are a woman of menopausal age, you might have
recently decided to have your hormone levels checked, wondering if
this is the culprit, but with so many having this experience, perhaps
it is not due to a physical cause.

Ascension has always mimicked menopause in both men and women of all
ages. Thus, feelings of "I have had enough," or "I am ready to be
done!" or perhaps "Is it time for me yet?" are very common as we have
done so much to assist this planet since our arrival. Short tempers,
memory loss, a need for self- care, and a desire to move on are
simply a part of our spiritual evolutionary process at this current
stage, even if these things do indeed mimic menopause.

Feelings of tightness, pressure, and short fuses are also common
symptoms as when we migrate higher, the energies become tight because
anything that vibrates lower within us needs to be "squeezed out" in
order that we become aligned. We may feel as though there is now much
more energy flowing within us, we may feel like we are
hyperventilating, having pressure in the chest, perhaps feeling like
we just got hit with a quadruple shot of caffeine, or may even have
difficulty sleeping as so much energy is now flowing through us. In
this way, "alignments" do not always feel great. After the energies
are squeezed out and adjustments are made, we always feel better…at
least until our next phase of expansion! The higher the evolutionary
space we occupy, the less lower vibrating energies there are present.
This is because love is the ultimate energy that remains. Thus, we
lose more and more of ourselves as things progress, resulting in a
need to adjust or we become grossly uncomfortable.

This latest move upward is no different. We are adjusting now in a
great way in regard to boundaries and how we interact with the lower
energies or lower dimensions. We are very far removed from them now,
so in this way, they feel downright intolerable to be around. In
addition, we are so done with them, that we can become exasperated
and angry when they show up in our space.

Add to this the challenges of the past year, perhaps feeling like a
punching bag as so many of us got clobbered over and over, and it can
be extremely hard to be around anything unpleasant. We are indeed
ready for the new, for our Promised Land or at least a bit of a rest,
and maybe even an experience of a very higher order.

But the higher dimensions are here as well. Miracles and amazing new
connections are beginning to manifest, feeling great is occurring, if
even at unpredictable intervals, and we are well on our way to a
better and new reality for ourselves.

Several weeks ago I began having dreams about the original intentions
or rather the pristine connections. For example, one night I had a
flash image of December 16th. My daughter was born on the 24th of
December, but her due date was the 16th. The message here, or
programming I was receiving was about the original intentions. For
many years now, we have been adjusting our energies in order to stay
in alignment as a planet. We have had to adjust to stay balanced when
so much was out of balance. Now, we get to return to the original and
pristine intentions, the true connections and alignments, and what we
had always planned for the planet. These new and pure alignments are
occurring within us, as we can finally get back to whom we really are
and to what we came to do…setting up the New Planet Earth. So in this
way, we are preparing for our very new roles indeed.

In addition, and on this same note, we are clearing and releasing
again, but it is very different this time. In a strange way, we went
a bit backwards the past year or two. We decided to wait until enough
of the masses had a chance to catch up before we moved on, so in this
way, we were trapped on a lower rung of the ascension ladder for
longer than we may have wanted (but our souls decided we would, so
all was right where it needed to be). Because of this, we took on
more of the lower vibrating energies (thus, the "being clobbered")
than we had in the past…and these energies were energies that we were
quite done with. So now, we are releasing and clearing these
experiences once again.

The reason that this is different this time, is because it was sort
of an add on, or unusual and one of a kind experience. Even after we
had been very done and our vibrations were much too high to have
these experiences ever again, we none-the-less became entangled with
the lower energies as we were waiting until just the right moment to
depart. So then, we now need to clear out or remove the residue
created from these experiences (hope this all makes sense!).

When I began a very accelerated ascension process many years ago (as
I was so far behind with my soul's intentions), I experienced strange
and intense dreams for a period of time. These were snippets and
frames rapidly flying past me in the night, as I was releasing the
old…almost like a life review. This is happening again for me, but to
a much lesser degree. We are releasing in our dreamtime what we no
longer need to be connected to. So even if you are one who has not
had any kind of intentional healing for quite some time, you may
suddenly desire to have some kind of clearing done. Even so, the
ascension process always creates what it needs to very naturally, all
on its own, without any intentional assists.

As we begin to move on, away from the lower vibrating energies of the
past, we may also become very interested in our own personal health
and well being. Now having the time to take care of ourselves, to
make adjustments in diet, exercise, and the like, it is finally time
for us for a while. At our soul levels, we know that we need to be
pristine within in order to fulfill our very new roles.

So what about navigating the dimensions? How can we stay sane and
happy when we have to be in the old at times? Having very adverse
reactions to old energies is a high sign that we no longer belong
there. We are being told to leave and go to our very new space and
new reality.

The higher we vibrate, the more that intentions are no longer viable.
Intentions are far too time consuming for the very direct and swift
energies that exist in a higher dimension (this is addressed in more
detail in Stepping Into the New Reality). Thus, navigating in the
higher realms actually becomes much simpler. We need not then, make
anything our intention, as we very naturally and swiftly attract what
is inside of us.

In this way, we can now find that doors that close do so because they
are not in alignment with whom we now are. Many doors are opening for
us now…new accesses that may have been blocked in times past. And
these accesses, miracles, or doors can open if only very briefly
right when they are needed, and then close once again. In addition,
whenever we find that a door is closed, or that something is far too
difficult to gain access to, or rather no easy flow with many blocks,
this is our high sign that this is the wrong direction or wrong
manifestation for us.

Another common scenario of ascension that presents itself frequently
is the grabbing or holding on of the lower energies when one has now
navigated to a higher dimension. This can manifest in many, many
ways, from things in the nature kingdom tripping us when we walk, to
individuals clutching onto us, not wanting us to depart, to old
energies asking us once again come back and do what we used to do.

If we are ever tempted to jump in and assist, we will likely become
like the swimmer attempting to save a drowning victim while we are
pulled under and end up drowning ourselves. The higher we vibrate,
the more vigilant we need to be…to stay on our true and rightful path…
to disregard the opinions and ideas of others….to stay in these new
and higher realms we are now so blessed to be surrounded by.

Another common symptom of vibrating higher? The loneliness. The more
we evolve, the smaller our circle of friends becomes. Eventually, we
find ourselves connected to but a very few loyal, caring, loving, and
very special friends. My star companion told me the other day that my
friends would again be "scarce and few." Ugh! was my first reaction
until I realized that these very special relationships run deep and
pure and are very special gifts indeed. The remainder of the time, we
will be attending to our service to humanity and our connections and
loyalties will be in regard to assisting others. Eventually, the
communities will form when enough souls are ready, but this is the
current scenario for some.

As we come ever closer to becoming the angels of the earth, we begin
to learn very new ways of being indeed. I am just starting the first
of the Emerging Earth Angels mini e-books that will address in
greater detail our new roles, how to navigate the dimensions and stay
sane, more about our dimensional border store-fronts, and more of the
strange and surprising feelings we encounter as we evolve. These mini
e-books will be offered to you on this web site via donation only, as
these times of transition can present unusual but temporary
circumstances for many. There is far too much information about our
new changes to be offered solely in a WINGS post.

For our special friends down under: Our hearts and prayers go out to
you as you experience such great loss through your recent fires. Know
that you are greatly preparing for the new, as much is being cleared
away for your very new foundation. You will emerge a shining star for
our world and we love you so much!

Much love and continued gratitude. Until next time,

woensdag 25 februari 2009

How to look good ... instantly

Eentje gepikt van mijn vriend Leo, who by the way, looks stunning!!

1. Stand up straight. If you improve your posture, not only do you decrease visibility of the rolls in your stomach, but you also gain confidence!! Pair that with a winning smile and you're good to go.
2. Wear proper fitting underwear. The look you're going for is seamless - no ill-fitting bras that leave back fat spilling over in bulging rolls, and try on a slip.
3. Wear long, fitting shirts. These are flattering to everybody since they seem to stretch out your torso. They should fit to flatter your body type, but please, don't immediately dash to the nearest Abercrombie and Fitch. Their shirts are too snug if you're worried about looking thinner.
4. Choose the colors carefully. Avoid bright colors and patterns; they instantly make you look bigger than you are! Dark colors make your heavy sections look small. Are you top heavy? That means switching to dark colored tops. Also, avoid horizontal stripes; these accentuate your girth! If you are bottom heavy, go for darker pants, skirts, or jeans to slim down your bottoms and legs. Finally, avoid "baggy" clothing, and wear stuff that fits you closely.
5. Match your shoes to your build. If you are short and heavy, a pair of understated platform clogs or boots can give you height, and also counterbalance your body size. If you are tall and heavy, a pair of dark colored flats or low heel pumps will make your feet look smaller without making you even taller. Avoid slender heels and sharp pointy toes; they will look small on you, and accentuate your size.
6. Wear your hair and makeup in a flattering way. People will be too distracted by your beautiful face to care about everything else.
7. Avoid the "I'm so fat" conversations. Most everybody has been involved in one of these and they only bring you down. You are most likely NOT fat. Most people don't care as much as you think they do because they are caught up in themselves. Flaunt your body the way it is. If it helps, make a list of all the people who love you and all the things you love about yourself. You first must love yourself before you love others. Confidence is key.
8. Wear clothes that are the right size. If you're a size 20, don't try and squeeze into a size 16. It will make you look bigger if everything bulges out. But at the same time, don't wear clothes that swamp you - really look at your body and wear clothes that fit properly.
9. Don't wear striped shirts, they make you appear wider. Unless they are up and down (pin stripes) which makes you appear longer and leaner
10. Emphasize the smaller part of you and camouflage your problem areas. If your waist is relatively thinner than your hips, wear form-fitting shirts and skirts that flare out. If your middle is thick and your legs are normal sized, wear looser, tunic blouses with thin, straight-legged pants. DON'T wear loose tops with loose bottoms.
11. To emphasize your waist and make your womanly figure an A+ wear belts AT your waist or bring clothing lines to your waist. (Have you pants go to your waist; shirt go to your waist; dress line at your waist)
12. Play up the good parts and counterbalance. Big hips? wear something to elongate your legs and something "chunky" or large around your shoulders. Always look to emphasize your small waist (even if you're making it up)
13. Do not be stuck on clothing sizes! Buying a larger than normal piece of clothing to emphasize your small parts (legs, hips, torso) may counterbalance the larger parts.
14. Match your jewelry to your size. If you're a big, tall person, wear big pieces of jewelry. Think a (one!)nice chunky bracelet or a pair of chandelier earrings. A big necklace will look great too -but avoid chokers.
15. ALWAYS remember: you are beautiful. Knowing that will instantly add an attractive factor to your entire ensemble.

Be YOU, be ATTRACTIVE by feeling so, the BETTER you feel about yourself, the BETTER you WILL BE!!!!

Licensed to thrill

dinsdag 24 februari 2009

zondag 22 februari 2009

100 ste bericht !!

You can get it if you really want!

Lekkere zondag

Een van de dingen waar ik op zondag het meeste van hou is lekker relaxen met een goed boek of een Britse tv serie.

Natuurlijk kom je dan bij de BBC terecht:

Wat denk je van:
* The other Boleyn Girl
* Sense and Sensibility
* Mill on the
* Tess of the D'Urbervilles
* Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice

Heerlijk wegzinken in de zetel met een verse pot thee en alleen maar genieten.

vrijdag 20 februari 2009


An Islamist rebel administration in Somalia has had a 13-year-old girl stoned to death for adultery after the child's father reported that she was raped by three men.

Amnesty International said al-Shabab militia, which controls the southern city of Kismayo, arranged for 50 men to stone Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow in front of about 1,000 spectators. A lorry load of stones was brought to the stadium for the killing.

Amnesty said Duhulow struggled with her captors and had to be forcibly carried into the stadium.

"At one point during the stoning, Amnesty International has been told by numerous eyewitnesses that nurses were instructed to check whether Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was still alive when buried in the ground. They removed her from the ground, declared that she was, and she was replaced in the hole where she had been buried for the stoning to continue," the human rights group said. It continued: "Inside the stadium, militia members opened fire when some of the witnesses to the killing attempted to save her life, and shot dead a boy who was a bystander."

Amnesty said Duhulow was originally reported by witnesses as being 23 years old, based on her appearance, but established from her father that she was a child. He told Amnesty that when they tried to report her rape to the militia, the child was accused of adultery and detained. None of the men accused was arrested.

"This was not justice, nor was it an execution," said Amnesty's Somalia campaigner, David Copeman. "This killing is yet another human rights abuse committed by the combatants to the conflict in Somalia, and again demonstrates the importance of international action to investigate and document such abuses, through an international commission of inquiry."

donderdag 19 februari 2009


Geen woorden kunnen spreken
Over gevoel zo onbeschrijfbaar
Zo teer en breekbaar als kristal
Nimmer vergeten altijd gevoeld

Geen dag heeft langer geduurd
Dan deze van zelfrealisatie
Een oneindige conversatie
Met de naaktheid van mijn ziel

Vertrokken lijken de wolken
Die mijn beperkt zicht verblindden
De wereld is ontdekt door mij
Sinds mijn woorden waarheid lijken

Geen angst meer voor mijn eigen ziel
Enkel de wetenschap er is meer
Dan de leegte die ik ooit zag
En de twijfel die nu heerst

Het woord van toekomst gesproken
De tijd word niet terug gedraaid
Ik heb gebroken met de demon
Die mijn jeugdbeeld heeft bepaald


- Benjamin de Rooy

woensdag 18 februari 2009

De wereld verbeteren

Een bekwame onderzoeker zit in zijn bureau te werken aan een project om de wereld te verbeteren, als plots zijn dochtertje van vijf jaar binnenkomt. 'Ik wil spelen', zegt ze. Maar de man antwoordt dat hij geen tijd heeft en dat ze hem moet laten verder werken. Na wat aandringen geeft het dochtertje toe en verandert van tactiek. 'Laat mij dan helpen, zodat je vlugger klaar bent met de wereld te verbeteren', zegt ze.
De man is vertederd en zoekt een oplossing. Hij vindt in een tijdschrift een wereldkaart, scheurt die aan stukken en geeft alles aan zijn dochtertje met de opdracht dat zij de wereld opnieuw 'in orde moet brengen'. Hij hoopt zo de rest van de dag van haar af te zijn, aangezien hij weet dat zijn dochter nog te klein is en het beeld van de wereldkaart niet kent.
Maar na een kwartiertje komt ze fier terug met de wereldkaart netjes aaneengeplakt. 'Klaar', roept ze uit. 'Hoe heb je dat gedaan?', vraagt de papa verbaasd. 'Simpel', zegt het meisje. 'Toen je het blad uit het tijdschrift scheurde, zag ik dat er op de achterkant een foto van een mens stond. Toen ik de wereld niet ineen kon puzzelen, heb ik alle stukken omgedraaid en eerst "de mens in orde gebracht". Toen ik daarna het blad omdraaide, zag ik dat de wereld ook in orde was'.

Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Argentinië.

dinsdag 17 februari 2009


In het kader van de reis die we deze zomer organiseren laat ik je alvast 1 dag per week kennis maken met de omgeving, het landschap, de achtergrond van 'Avalon' en de lesgevers.


The Isle of Avalon

Het legendarische dorp Glastonbury 'Avalon' ligt in de meest zuidwestelijke hoek van Engeland. Rijk aan zowel mythen als geschiedenis, is Glastonbury een van de meest betoverende plaatsen in de wereld. Al sinds het megalithische tijdperk erkend als spiritueel centrum, is het de zetel van broeders en zusters van de Oude voorchristelijke Religie.

Het dorpje Glastonbury zelf ligt liefelijk en schilderachtig verscholen tussen een reeks fluweelgroene heuvels.
De hoogste daarvan is de beroemde Tor, een ellipsvormige heuvelformatie met daar bovenop de indrukwekkende overblijfselen van een kerktoren die was gewijd aan Aartsengel Michaël.
Aan de voet van de Tor liggen de Chalice Well en de bolronde top van Chalice Hill. Beneden in het stadscentrum liggen de ruïnes van de grote Abdij, de plek van Jozef van Arimathea's kerk en de begraafplaats van de legendarische Koning Arthur. Wearyall Hill, de plaats van de legendarische meidoorn, ligt bij de westelijke ingang naar het dorp. Glastonbury was al lang voor de tijd van Koning Arthur of Jozef van Arimathea een belangrijk religieus centrum. Vanaf 2500 voor Chr. gebruikten de Druïden de Tor als inwijdingscentrum voor priesters.
Overblijfselen uit het Megalithische tijdperk, daterend van 5000 voor Chr., wijzen uit dat Glastonbury de site is van een reusachtige astrologische kalender. Deze omvat een steencirkel met zon- en maanalignementen (bovenop de Tor) en een in het land uitgewerkte dierenriemkaart, tien mijl in doorsnee. Te midden van tempels, steencirkels, vruchtbaarheidsplaatsen en een heilig godinnencentrum, werden Druïde hogepriesters en hogepriesteressen opgeleid, ingewijd en bij elkaar gebracht bij de Tor en de Chalice Well. De Chalice Bron werd beschouwd als de aardse bron voor de Godin Gaia.
Het rode water dat eruit opborrelde was heilig en werd gebruikt voor genezing.

De sluiers tussen de Werelden in Avalon zijn dun en openen de deuren van verdiept inzicht. Je voelt hier een magische energie waardoor je je tussen de verschillende Werelden (Dimensies) bevindt.
Dit schijnt sinds het begin der tijden bestaan te hebben. Waterbronnen werden geassocieerd met de Godin als het Water van Leven. Zo is de zwangere baarmoeder van een vrouw met water gevuld en waterdoorgangen werden beschouwd als de weg door de ondergrondse Baarmoeder van de Godin. Water is dikwijls een beeld van Liefde. Net zoals bewateren essentieel is voor de vruchtbaarheid, stond dit symbolisch voor liefde en creativiteit. Godinnen heiligdommen zijn bijna altijd nabij bronnen, meren of de zee gevonden. The Lady of the Lake (De Vrouwe van het Meer) werd in Avalon in Arthurtijden vereerd als de Godin, maar werd hier in vroegere dagen al vereerd toen Glastonbury omringd werd door een groot Meer. Priesteressen leefden en werden opgeleid op het Eiland Avalon vanuit de Oude Religie (the Old Ways). Zij riepen tijdens de rituelen Moeder Godin aan en vierden en vereerden de Jaarcyclus. De verbinding met Moeder Godin en de Magische krachten waren sterk aanwezig.

maandag 16 februari 2009

Bob Proctor

SixMinutesToSuccess Banner

Once, a man named Joe and his little girl were crossing a wooden-bridge in Tarrytown, New York.

Joe was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."

The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.

"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.

"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.

As you may already know, over the last 40 years of Bob Proctor's life he's been holding people's hands and leading them step-by-step across the bridge to a life of richness and success.

If you allow him to hold your hand... he promises to keep your faith and lead you to a world of insane wealth and prosperity.

Click here to find out exactly how he'll be holding your hand and leading you step-by-step to the other side of the bridge:

SixMinutesToSuccess Banner

donderdag 12 februari 2009

Koala Sam

Mr Tree was close to tears when he was reunited with his new furry friend at the Mountain Ash Wildlife Shelter in Rawson, where Sam is recovering from third degree burns to her paws, the Herald Sun reports.

The pair became accidental faces of the devastating bushfires when Mr Tree gave an exhausted Sam a drink from his water bottle in the middle of burnt-out bush in Mirboo North. The photograph has been picked up by major news agencies around the world.

"Who knows if she recognised me or not but I would like to think so," Mr Tree said. "I got a bit choked up because it has been such an emotional week. It was just good to see her doing well."

Sam was having her dressing changed by carer Colleen Wood when Mr Tree arrived. He said seeing her in pain hit home the damage that the fires were inflicting on helpless animals.

"You could see where the black soles of her paws had been burnt off and they were pink and looked sore," he said. "She's been through a lot."

He said animal carer Colleen Wood told him the koala may not have survived if he had not given her water at such a crucial time, because she would have been suffering severe dehydration.

"This has been a really tough week for everyone so it is good to have one happy ending," Mr Tree said. "She was pretty friendly, she gave me a bit of a sniff and we touched noses."

Mr Tree said he was surprised by the reaction to the photograph, which was snapped by Mark Pardew - a fellow CFA volunteer - on a mobile phone. Mr Tree said he was in the middle of backburning at Mirboo North when he saw the stricken koala.

"I could see she had sore feet and was in trouble, so I pulled over the fire truck. She just plonked herself down, as if to say 'I'm beat'," he said. "I offered her a drink and she drank three bottles. The most amazing part was when she grabbed my hand. I will never forget that."

Mr Tree and his brigade then received an emergency call-out to save a house, but minutes later Sam was picked up by wildlife carers.

She is one of 22 koalas, 14 ringtail possums, several wallabies and eastern grey kangaroos that have been handed into Gippsland carers.

Onderzoek associaties

Momenteel loopt aan de KUL Leuven het vervolg op een grootschalige onderzoek
over woord associaties!

Het duurt minder dan 10 minuten, en je maakt daardoor naast jezelf een hoop
onderzoekers aan de Leuvense universiteit gelukkig.

Iedereen die het Nederlands als moedertaal beheerst kan deelnemen. We hebben
dit jaar een pak mensen nodig (zo'n 1800) dus stuur deze mail gerust door
naar zoveel mogelijk broers, zussen of vrienden die mogelijks willen
meewerken. Enkel op die manier kan dat aantal bereikt worden.

Het onderzoek is kinderspel: je krijgt 20 woorden te zien. Voor ieder woord
worden 3 associaties (het eerste woord dat in je opkomt) gevraagd.

Om deel te nemen kan je op volgende link klikken:

woensdag 11 februari 2009

Energetische Geneeswijzen

Gisteren hebben we een vergadering gehad met het kernteam van Synergio. Het team bestaat uit mensen met een 'wetenschappelijke' achtergrond (gedoctoreerd bioloog - ingenieur ...) die later in het leven de overstap hebben gemaakt naar het 'alternatieve'. We kijken naar manieren waarop wij, als pioniers, de symbiose kunnen maken tussen linker hersenhelft wetenschap en de andere kant.

Eind dit jaar organiseren we een groots colloquium.

Nu is mijn vraag aan jullie, als publiek: wat verwachten jullie van zo een colloquium? Wat wil je zien - horen - ervaren? Wil je gastsprekers? Wie?

Graag HOPEN feedback zodat wij aan het organiseren kunnen gaan.

maandag 9 februari 2009


Ik had jullie beloofd om een beetje uitleg te plaatsen bij het 'Ballenboek' van Brigitte Sumner.

A new approach to love relationships. Say no to relationship problems and yes to happiness. In this book, Brigitte Sumner explains how equality between men and women creates challenges in intimate relationships. According to this relationship expert, women often behave in too masculine a way in a relationship, causing passion to disappear from their relationship. Sumner shows how passion and happiness can return when women learn to guard their emotions and behave in a more feminine way without letting men walk all over them. Give Him Back His Balls is a book for women wanting to improve their current relationship or are looking for a partner, to raise their children to ensure they to will have happy relationships as adults and for men who want to understand more about women whilst staying true to their masculinity. This book should be read by anyone who wants to improve their relationship, with tips, quizes and practical advice from a relationship expert and coach who has helped thousands of couples. THE book about personal growth in relationships. Brigitte Sumner is well-known relationship expert and coach who lectures in Europe, America and the Far East. She appears on radio, TV and various magazines worldwide. She is rated among the top ten of relationship experts.

As a single woman who's been in and out of the dating scene, Brigitte Sumner's book made me think about how I was showing up both at work and in relationships. Some of what it has to say is not easy for us career women to hear -- when you're used to calling the shots it's not comfortable to step back and let someone else take charge simply because he's a man! But the advice Brigitte lays out in "Give Him Back His Balls" is compassionate, clear, funny, and has the ring of truth to it. Ladies, take note -- unless you want to be the "man" in your relationships, read this book and try its suggestions on for size!

I totally loved this book because it gave me real insights to all the relationships in my life. The author has a new take on the dynamics in relationships and puts the information across in a fun way. This is a great book that everyone needs to read - whether or not you are in a relationship. The style is easy to read - but don't be fooled - the information is powerful, and more importantly, it gives lots of practical solutions to the challenges identified. Do yourself and your loved ones a favour - buy a copy for yourself and one for everyone you care about!

En inderdaad, mijn exemplaar circuleert ook al een tijdje rond. Echt een aanrader dit boek!!

vrijdag 6 februari 2009

Jezelf verwennen

Vandaag geef ik je een bijdrage uit het blog van mijn vriendin Amandha. Amandha is naturopaat en heeft een schitterend centrum in Canada.

I love honey. Here at my healing arts center I sell this gorgeous raw, unpasteurized honey from my dear friend Brett at Herb Guy's Honey House. Today I decided it was time to give myself a loving and moisturizing honey mask. Here's how to do it:

Honey Massage Mask from Stephanie Tourles: Organic Body Care Recipes:

"This is a delicious, sweet way to soften, deeply hydrate, and moisturize your skin. This treatment leaves skin with a rosy glow resulting from increased circulation.

Ingredients: 2-3 teaspoons fresh, raw honey at room temperature

Recommended for:
all skin types, especially dry, dehydrated, sunburned, windburned, mature, or environmentally damaged skin.
Follow with: moisturizer if necessary
Blending tools: small spoon

Application tips: Honey thins and gets runnier as it warms to skin temperature, so be sure to wear a shower cap or pull your hair off your face and neck prior to application. Using your fingers, apply a very thin coat of honey to your entire face, neck and decollete. When the honey is spread evenly, it will bead on your skin much like water beads on your car after a rain shower. Leave on for 15 minutes or longer while you lay down and rest. Your skin will begin to feel very warm and relaxed. Don't fall asleep! Before rinsing, for about 5 minutes, begin to pat your skin lightly with your fingertips in quick tapping motions, as though you are playing the piano. Rinse using a very warm, damp cloth." ~Stephanie Tourles, 2007.

Stephanie's book is a marvelous resource and I recommend it highly!

Je kunt het bestellen via deze link

woensdag 4 februari 2009


Voor de momenten in ons leven dat wij vinden dat het lastig gaat. Watch this!!

Are You Going To Finish Strong?
Awesome video! If you watch only one video today make sure it is this one! Nick Vujicic has no limbs but he leads an incredible life!

dinsdag 3 februari 2009

Zoekmachine Optimalisatie

Tegenwoordig heeft iedere therapeut en elk bedrijf zijn/haar eigen website. En daar houdt het dan ook meestal mee op. De site gaat on line en ... na maanden, je zelfs na jaren een website gebouwd te hebben blijft het aantal bezoekers en het aantal reacties via uw website vrij laag, meestal zelfs bedroevend laag. Meer en meer therapeuten en bedrijven beseffen dat een website hebben dus niet voldoende is. Die website moet ook gevonden worden. Immers, welk nut heeft het om honderdan Euros uit te geven aan de bouw van een website als die verschijnt op de zesde of zevende bladzijde van Google! De Gouden Gids van weleer werd enkele jaren geleden vervangen door zoekmachines als Google, Alta Vista, Hotbot, Lycos, Msn en Yahoo.

Zoekmachineoptimalisatie marketing zorgt dat uw internetsite gevonden wordt in de meest gebruikte zoekmachines. Een goede plaats in een zoekmachine garandeert een groot aantal bezoekers en levert dus indirect meer omzet op. Een hoge positie verwerven is echter geen gemakkelijke taak. Eén site op twee bevat obstakels voor zoekmachine optimalisatie en is hierdoor ontoegankelijk voor zoekmotoren.

Internetgebruikers zoeken op trefwoorden. Trefwoorden zijn woorden die de producten en diensten van uw bedrijf of organisatie het beste omschrijven en appelleren aan de behoefte aan informatie bij de klant én nieuwe klanten. Willen mensen bv informatie over Brussel dan gebruiken ze oa de volgende zoekwoorden: brussel info - toerisme brussel - wat te zien brussel - dagje brussel etc.

Wil je meer leren over zoekmachine Optimalisatie schrijf je dan nu in voor onze workshop die doorgaat op 20 en 21 februari.

Meer info vind je hier!

maandag 2 februari 2009

Wereldkampioenschap Whisky tasting

Guiness World Record Whisky Tasting from Slijterijmeisje on Vimeo.

Blessed Imbolc Everyone!

Gisteren hebben mijn dochter en ik Imbolc gevierd en vandaag doen we het nog een keertje want nu is het lichtmis.

Maria Lichtmis of kortweg Lichtmis is een christelijk feest dat op 2 februari gevierd wordt. Het is de herdenking van de "Opdracht van de Heer in de Tempel" en het zuiveringsoffer dat Maria veertig dagen na de geboorte van Jezus volgens de Joodse wet (zoals beschreven in Leviticus, hoofdstuk 12) moest brengen; vandaar de Latijnse naam Purificatio Mariae. Het is de laatste feestdag waarvan de datum verbonden is aan die van Kerstmis, hij valt namelijk 40 dagen daarna.

De vroegste verwijzing naar een viering werd opgetekend door de pelgrimnon Egeria toen die in het Beloofde Land rondreisde in 381-384. Zij meldt dat 14 februari plechtig gevierd werd in Jeruzalem met een processie naar de Constantijnse Basiliek der Wederopstanding, met een homilie over Lukas 2:22 en een eigen liturgie. Deze zogenaamde Itinerarium Peregrintio (volgweg van de pelgrim) geeft echter geen naam aan het feest.

De datum 14 februari toont aan dat in die tijd in Jeruzalem de geboorte van Jezus van Nazareth nog op 6 januari (epifanie) werd gevierd. De feestdatum werd in Rome naar voor geplaatst, samen met het feest voor de geboorte van Christus dat op 25 december werd gezet (dezelfde datum als de geboortedatum van Mithras wiens cultus in de tijd van Constantijn hoogtij vierde).

Op deze dag worden traditioneel kaarsen gewijd en een kaarsenprocessie gehouden vóór de mis; vandaar de naam lichtmis. Het is tevens de traditie dat er op Maria Lichtmis pannenkoeken gegeten worden. Dit wordt uitgedrukt in het gezegde: Er is geen vrouwtje nog zo arm, of ze maakt haar pannetje warm, al heeft het woord 'pannetje' in het oud Nederlands taalgebruik ook nog wel een eigen bijbetekenis.

Wil je vandaag eens 'speciale' pannenkoeken eten? Kijk dan op de blog van Lady of Kincavel. Je kunt hier klikken om doorgestuurd te worden.