donderdag 8 januari 2009

Robert Holden

Een van de meest bijzondere mensen bij wie ik vijf jaar geleden een workshop volgde is dr. Robert Holden. Dr Holden is de oprichter van 'The Happiness Project'.

"The Monty Python comedy sketch: 100 Yards Dash for People with No Sense of Direction offers a perfect metaphor for our mad-dash world," says Dr. Robert Holden. Our modern lifestyles are more manic, busy, and hyper than ever. In the name of success, we go about our day in a sick hurry, we are permanently busy, we are missing in action, we sacrifice our relationships, and we are often too tired to enjoy our lives. There is a better way! Robert calls upon you to re-think success. Success is more than a chase, a "to do list", or a business card - it is about soul, love, vision and following your joy.

Robert outlines a powerful plan for living a truly rich life that creates more soulful success for yourself and those around you.

Ik wil je dan ook heel graag laten kennis maken met een aantal werken van Robert Holden.

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